Yeah, I felt that.
I hefted her. She felt light. I took her through some
motions. She felt strong. She just felt right. Beautiful. Durable. Stylish. I’m
not one, really for rapiers, one-handers, main gauches, etc. But, to me, this
brand was the Christina Hendricks of weaponry and I just had to know where she
came from:
“Who made your basket hilt?”
“Don’t rightly know. If you like swords, try this company
called Armor Class in Scotland.”
“Oh, no problem. It’s just a beautiful piece. (aka Hi. We haven’t met but I am a sword fanatic and want to steal your piece like Arthur stole Excalibur when he was a squire for Sir Cay).
“Oh, no problem. It’s just a beautiful piece. (aka Hi. We haven’t met but I am a sword fanatic and want to steal your piece like Arthur stole Excalibur when he was a squire for Sir Cay).
I did some digging.
After talking to a lot of “Town Guard” –style
parade-marching marching groups, the mystery of the sexy sword was final
revealed by these cheerful fellows, the Salem Trayned Band:
“The sword about which
you're asking is Darkwood Armory's English Baskethilt IV with a wire-wrapped
grip (single wrap), built to living-history quality (an option you can request
from Darkwood) and mounted on an old Museum Replicas broadsword
blade. Regrettably, I'm not sure which one, but it may be from MRL's very old
Early Basket-Hilt sword.
Darkwood reshaped and
fullered the blade. We ordered the sword before Darkwood offered as complete a
line-up of blades as they do today, so we opted to provide our own blade rather
than waiting for them to either order a Del Tin blade or to develop a suitable
one of their own.”
Well HOOO-RAY for customization, but this now means that I
may never get that same EXACT model, as forges can be prickly about making
copies of the same blade.
Ah, well. At least now I know her name and where she lives.
The rest, I think, is simply horse-tradin.’
The rest, I think, is simply horse-tradin.’